Leesburg Town Hall Phone: (256) 526-8890 | Leesburg Landing and RV Park Phone: (256) 523-2757

Leesburg Landing Fishing Tournaments

Leesburg Alabama

Thanks for your support of fishing tournaments on Weiss Lake. We appreciate all the volunteers and first responders that make it possible to host these tournaments.

All dates are subject to change due to severe weather.


2024 Tournament Dates

March 9th, AL Crappie Trail, 50 boats

March 16th, National Crappie League, 65-70 Boats

March 23rd, American Bass Anglers, 60-100  Boats

March 30th, Airport Marine High School, 175 Boats

April 6th, Fishers of men, 60-65 Boats

April 27th, Fishers of Men Legacy Series, 20 Boats

May 4th, Coosa River Team Trail, 100 Boats

June 1st, ABT 100, 100 boats

July 20th, Dekalb Bassmasters, 40 Boats

October 26th, Dekalb Bassmasters, 40 Boats

November 2nd, Riverbend Student Angler Trail, 120-130 Boats

There could be other tournaments at Leesburg Landing that we do not know about.

Directors are supposed to reserve the facility, however, some do not contact the Town of Leesburg, AL.


Town of Leesburg Logo



Phones: (256) 526-8890
Address: 100 Riverside St, Leesburg, AL 35983

You are donating to : Greennature Foundation

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$10 $20 $30
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